Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Current MSMIT Mod 4 Team Reaching Out to MSMIT Alumni

Current MSMIT Mod 4 Team Reaching Out to MSMIT Alumni

We are reaching out to MSMIT alumni to see if anyone works at a company or knows someone at a company who would like to benefit from strategic consulting.

The goal of our capstone project is to present your company a business proposal that offers competitive advantage, after first developing a complete understanding of your business strategy and industry in the context of today's economy.

My team is comprised of myself and five colleagues - we are serious professionals with 10-25 years of solid business experience each.
The ideal company has these traits: - is publicly traded (or private & willing to share financials) - has annual revenues between $500M - $1B - can offer CIO/CFO/CEO level access for a few hours between April - July 2009

We need to obtain commitment from a company by the end of March, so if your firm would be interested (or if you know someone else who would be interested), please let me know right away.

Thanks for your help!

Christie Nader
571-237-4288 (cell)

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