Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2012 - M.S. In MIT Update

We have decided to postpone our Fall M.S. in MIT Golf Tournament to the spring.  

Second, I know many of you have been asking about the Knowledge Continuum.  As soon as we confirm the date and the details, I will let you know. 


Saturday, September 29: Class of 2010 Tailgate and MS in MIT Excellence Trophy Presentation.  

Friday, October 12:  M.S. in MIT Advisory Board Meeting.  All M.S. in MIT Advisory Board members interested in attending should contact Aimee Carter.
Location in Reston (TBD)
"New frontiers in IT enabled Marketing"

Saturday, October 13:  McIntire School of Commerce Homecoming Tailgate
 Open to all Alumni and Families!  Rouss and Robertson Hall. Tailgate, children’s activities, fellowship.  

Tuesday, October 30: 7pm – 9pm
Jeffersonian Dinner Series
Dinner and discussion led by Andrew Rudin and Rajesh Radhakrishnan. 
Registration for this event will be first comefirst serve for the first 25 people to respond to me.  RSVP to Aimee Carter.  
Dinner cost is $45 per person. 
"Analytics, data mining, and Big Data are hot topics now.  But deploying these tools depends on the questions executives ask, and how they intend to uncover business development risks and opportunities.  How companies frame the problems they're seeking to solve has a great bearing on the value of what they discover.  As we've learned through some notable debacles, 'because we can generate the information' doesn't always yield valuable insights."

Friday, November 2:  MOD 2 Dinner and Discussion at Rouss and Robertson Hall – Open to all alumni and guests.  More details to come, but Save The Date.


Congratulations to Charlie Kirkpatrick (2012):  His company, Liberty Tax, was just listed on the NASDAQ and he "rang the bell" in New York on August 13. Pictured is Charlie with Liberty Tax' CEO John Hewitt on the billboard in Times Square. 

Congratulations to M.S. in MIT Associate Professor of Commerce and MOD 4 Director, Peter Gray:    The editors of MIT Sloan Management Review are pleased to announce the winners of this year's Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize: Rob Cross (also an Associate Professor of Commerce, McIntire School of Commerce At the University of Virginia), Peter Gray, Shirley Cunningham, Mark Showers and Robert J. Thomas. In their Fall 2010 article "The Collaborative Organization: How to Make Employee Networks Really Work," the authors discussed how the most effective organizations make smart use of employee networks to reduce costs, improve efficiency and spur innovation. Read the award-winning article, FREE for a limited time >>
The Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize is awarded annually to the authors of the most outstanding MIT SMR article on planned change and organizational development from the previous academic year. 

Please submit your good news to Aimee Carter for upcoming publications.